Spotlight on Student-Led Projects Advancing Global Education for All
Partnering on campus and around the world, the 2020-21 Global Education for All Fellows are launching programs ‘by students, for students’
The 2020-21 UC Davis Global Education for All Fellows are working together and with others across and beyond UC Davis to advance Global Education for All, a campus goal aiming to provide 100% of undergraduate, graduate, and professional students with global learning opportunities that change their lives and our world. In addition to providing input into the Global Education for All Steering Committee work – such as future course development – the fellows are leading projects of their own based on their backgrounds and interests.
- Global Aggies Near and Far Podcast – Fellows Kate Johnson, Marina Mautner, and Melody Sie have launched a student club to create a podcast series, featuring Aggies both near to and far from California. The first episode, led by 2019-20 fellows Marina Mautner and David Soltera, explores experiences studying abroad in Mexico and other countries. The second episode, led by Sophia Minnillo, a Linguistics PhD student, discusses Filipino culture and identity, featuring two Filipino-American graduate students Matthew Santos (law) and Peter Torres (linguistics). The episodes are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Stitcher.
- Student Farming Around the World – Fellows Anca Barcu, Esra Hawsawi, Akshaya Karthikeyan, Nadia Moukanni, Carolina Oguchi, and Andressa Vidigal Rosenberg, in partnership with Katharina Ullman, director of the Student Farm in the Agricultural Sustainability Institute at UC Davis, are sparking global conversations among student farmers at UC Davis, Universidade Estadual de Maringá - Núcleo de e Desenvolvimento Sustentável in Brazil, Universidad de Talca in Chile, and Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Morocco. In January 2021, the team launched a three-part series of symposia, the first of which featured Dhairya Pujara, founder of YCenter, and discussions on design thinking as an approach to community-engaged development efforts. The next symposia will focus on identifying collaborative projects to address shared local agricultural challenges.
- Travel By Zoom – While travel is limited by the COVID-19 pandemic, Haley Ali, Stacy Kim, and Sophia Mares de Juan are taking students around the world one Zoom meeting at a time. These events are aimed at linking students interested in learning more about a particular world region with peers who are from those regions or who have spent significant time living or working there.
- One Health Symposiums – With funding from Global Affairs’ Campus Global Theme program, Jinguang Chai, Charlene Lujan, Ben Mattison, Lena Ray, Johanna Vega-Garcia, and Felicia Yen, successfully designed, planned, and implemented a student session for the UC Davis One Health Symposium in 2020, which focused on the future of food as it relates to the health of animals, people, and the planet. Next for this team is planning for the 2021 symposium.
- Graduate and Professional Resources – Knowing graduate and professional students often have unique academic and professional interests and needs, Mandeep Singh Basson, Audrey Geise, and Wendong Song, in partnership with Nancy Erbstein, associate vice provost for Global Education for All in Global Affairs, and Brianne Holden, advising coordinator in the Global Learning Hub in Global Affairs, are planning for focus groups to improve graduate and professional student advising resources.
- Global Arts @ UC Davis – Focusing on showcasing arts and cultural organizations at UC Davis, Global Education for All Fellows Esther DeLozier and Kavya Achyutuni, are working on creating educational short videos to be distributed to K-12 schools around the Davis area.
Student leaders Kavya Achyutuni, Irina Chukhray, Patrick Cunningham, Esther DeLozier, Alina Kajley, and Nadia Moukanni together help manage the projects and organize meetings and professional development among other activities. Workgroup fellows Pratibha Agarwal, Kiki Crawford, Esther DeLozier, Sophia Mares de Juan, Isabelle Pai, and Jessica Rudder provide student perspectives and feedback for the Global Education for All Steering Committee work.
About the Global Learning Hub at UC Davis
As a part of Global Affairs, the Global Learning Hub aims to inspire global curiosity, understanding, and engagement.
Through the Global Learning Hub, each and every UC Davis student can find global learning opportunities available on campus, in the region, virtually, and internationally. The Hub offers global learning programs, workshops, and resources that enhance all UC Davis students’ academic and career pursuits through four broad areas of opportunities: Community Engagement; Global Skills and Leadership; Internships and Research; and Study Abroad. UC Davis is committed to preparing the next generation of global problem solvers and change makers. As such, we aim to prepare our undergraduate, graduate, and professional students to solve global challenges collaboratively, equitably, and sustainably.