In collaboration with UC Davis Summer Sessions, the Global Learning Hub is offering seminars for students of all majors who will be introduced to global learning and hone their skills to become the global professionals and global collaborators of tomorrow. These one-unit seminars, which can be taken independently or in sequence, will prepare students to engage in an interconnected world that defies geographic borders.

Summer Sessions: Becoming a Global Professional
Students from all majors will enhance their professional skills to prepare for diverse and interconnected workplaces. Offered during SSI 2022.

Summer Sessions: Becoming a Global Collaborator
Students from all majors will explore the interconnectedness of global challenges and consider strategies for turning global awareness into action and solutions. Offered during SSII 2022.
Contact Information
For questions about Summer Session courses, please contact Aliki Dragona, faculty director of academic programs at the Global Learning Hub within Global Affairs, at

Aliki Dragona
Faculty Director, Academic Programs
Global Learning Hub, Global Affairs