Funding Opportunity Overview
The Peter and Marion London Global Learning Innovation Award supports an annual project led by one or more UC Davis students who will partner and engage with Nepali and/or Tibetan students on a project with a strong public benefit related to sustainable development for disadvantaged communities. The chosen project will receive up to $4,500 to use between July 2025 and September 2026.
- Award funds may be used for project costs, including but not limited to, travel, living expenses, project materials, student stipend(s), etc.
- Priority may be given to UC Davis students with demonstrated financial need as determined by Global Affairs and the Office of Undergraduate and Prestigious Scholarships.
- Priority may be given to UC Davis students who have participated in an educational or community-based program in Nepal.
- Graduate Students require verification from your major department that you can receive additional funding in the form of a travel grant/fellowship stipend.
Submission Details
Award Amount
- Up to $4,500
- Award amounts and total number of recipients will depend on the availability of funding, the size of the applicant pool, the specific budgets of the proposed activities, and the competitiveness of each proposal.
Award Timeline
- Application Open: February 5, 2025
- Application Deadline: April 11, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. PST.
- Project activities may take place anytime between July 2025 and September 2026.
Application and Consideration
Applicants should submit the following to be considered:
1. Proposal:
- Proposals should include:
- Timeline of project activities.
- Description of project and its importance.
- Describe how you will partner with Nepali and/or Tibetan students to support the public benefit related to sustainable development for disadvantaged communities.
- Describe the specific experience that you and your project partner(s) and/or collaborator(s) share that support the success of this project.
- Outline the project goals and desired outcomes.
- Budget (travel, living expenses, project materials, student stipend(s), etc.)
Limit proposal to four pages, double-spaced, and budget to one page, double-spaced, with 12-point font and one-inch margins.
2. One faculty letter of recommendation:
- The letter of recommendation should be written by a faculty mentor/advisor and should include your relationship with the recommender and a description of your skills and qualifications for this project.
3. One key local collaborator(s) letter of support:
- The letter of support should be written by one or more key local collaborators and should describe how the activities of the project will support and benefit sustainable development in local communities.
Note: It is the responsibility of the student facilitating a research project that contains human subject to determine if your project requires approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB). If you have any questions regarding the criteria and approval process, please refer to the IRB website.
Important Travel Information
If you anticipate utilizing the award funds for international travel, please review the UC Davis Travel Policy (UCD PPM, 300-32). Per UC Davis policy, all international travel on university business must be registered. Travel registration is an important risk management tool. If an emergency occurs in your travel destination, this is how your campus Risk Management will know where you are. You can pre-register travel through UC Away. Please see the UC Davis Travel Risk and Insurance site for further information.
Expectation of Awardees
Selected awardees agree to the following expectations:
- Award recipient(s) will be expected to share a deliverable within two months of completing the project activities. The final report should discuss project development and execution, clearly demonstrate any impact on sustainable development for disadvantaged communities, and document how grant funds supported the work of the project. Photos, interviews, or other material that demonstrate impact are especially welcomed. The suggested length of the report is 3–5 pages, double-spaced.
- Write a thank-you letter to the donors who funded your award. The letter can be one-two paragraphs about your experience abroad and how the award helped make the experience possible. Thanking our donors is an important part of the process, both as a courtesy for their generosity, and to encourage donor’s continued giving and support for future students.
- Submit a Global Aggies Blog. Many of our Aggies Abroad have their stories featured (examples) in our newsletters, social media, and video profiles.
Contact Information

Ashley Samson
Scholarships and Operations Coordinator
Global Learning Hub, Global Affairs