Summer Abroad U.K., "Organic Chemistry" (Info Session)

A promotional banner for UC Davis Global Learning Hub's Summer Abroad program titled 'Organic Chemistry in Nottingham.' The image shows Nottingham’s Council House building with its iconic dome under a bright blue sky. The program details are displayed, including the location: Nottingham, United Kingdom, and the courses offered: Chemistry (CHE) 118A and 198, totaling 8 units. The UC Davis logo and Global Learning Hub branding are at the top left..

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International Center 3130


Whether you are longing to gaze upon Nottingham Castle or wander Sherwood Forest, Nottingham is the perfect student city. Complete CHE 118A and CHE 198 this summer in historic Nottingham, England. Studying on the beautiful University of Nottingham’s campus, you will learn the basic principles of organic chemistry from a UC Davis professor of Chemistry. This course covers in-depth presentations on alkane and cycloalkane structure and reactivity, stereochemistry, organic structural analysis using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and more. Situated in the English midlands, excursions include Cambridge, York and Sir Isaac Newton’s home. Full program details.

Come learn more about the program and meet the instructor!

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