GIS in the Land of the Thunder Dragon
Karen Beardsley

Global Affairs
Karen Beardsley received her PhD in Geography from UC Davis. She has worked at UC Davis since 1994 as a researcher and geographic information system (GIS) specialist. She currently serves as the Director of Global Professional Programs with Global Affairs at UC Davis, after working for over 20 years with the Information Center for the Environment in the Department of Environmental Science and Policy. Her interests include applications of GIS and other geospatial technologies to biodiversity protection and land use planning, as well as developing international connections and opportunities for UC Davis students and faculty around the world. In 2015-16, Karen worked as a Fulbright Professor at the Royal Thimphu College in Bhutan. She taught college students about geographic information science and technology, and arranged and delivered short GIS courses for Bhutanese government staff.
"For Karen Beardsley, GIS is more than software. It gives rise to relationships that can change the world..." read the full article "Cultivating Global Connections Through GIS.
A Message to Students and Parents
I have traveled to many parts of the world, and Bhutan is by far the most interesting culturally and biological of those I have visited. Having lived in Bhutan for a year as a Fulbright professor at the Royal Thimphu College (2015-2016), I am very familiar with the campus facilities, faculty, staff and students. The campus has hosted many international students and know how to take good care of students from other countries, including the U.S. The Bhutanese people are genuinely kind and helpful, and I don’t think you can find a happier, safer, more beautiful place to experience Study Abroad!"