a group of young diverse students looking at the camera

Available Workshops

Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

  • Identify core DEI concepts, definitions and their importance in job searching, the workplace and daily life.
  • Tracks: #1
  • Available Dates:
    • Wednesday, January 22, 4:15—5:45 p.m.; in-person (Register)
    • Monday, February 3, 4-5:30 p.m.; Zoom (Register)

Intercultural Communication

  • Define culture and understand skills critical to intercultural learning and communication; analyze how one’s own culture affects their communication style and preferences and reflect on other’s communication norms and preferences
  • Tracks: #1 and #2
  • Available Dates:
    • Monday, January 27, 4–5:30 p.m.; Zoom (Register)
    • Wednesday, March 11, 4–5:30 p.m.; in-person (Register)

Importance of Writing a Diversity Statement

  • Identify important aspects of diversity statements and service in academia and the private sector; compose and edit own diversity statement.
  • Tracks: #1
  • Available Dates
    • Monday, February 3, 12:10–1:10 p.m.; in-person (Register)
    • Thursday, May 1, Time: 4–5 p.m., Zoom (Register)

Managing Conflict in Intercultural Spaces

  • Reflect on one’s own conflict style and how cultural norms and context contribute to conflict; Analyze and troubleshoot different conflict scenarios relevant to graduate and professional students and postdoctoral scholars
  • Tracks: #1 and #2
  • Available Dates: Tuesday, April 15, 4–5:30 p.m.; in-person, (Register)

Communicating with Compassion: Transforming Microaggressions into Global Understanding

  • Define micro-aggressions and understand how they perpetuate stereotypes and discrimination; identify strategies for addressing and reducing the impact of micro-aggressions.
  • Tracks: #1 and #2
  • Available Dates: Wednesday, April 30, 4:15–5:45 p.m.; in-person (Register)