Photo of a cow with a water tower in the background

Summer Abroad Australia - On Site

Sustainable Animal Production Down Under


This program spends three weeks traveling throughout Australia’s east coast. Throughout the program you will reside in university residence halls as well as local hotels. Most locations will provide a double room with shared bathroom. Some accommodation locations will include a shared kitchen. Please expect to have limited access to internet at some locations.

UC Davis reserves the right to change the accommodation location. Should this be necessary, we will arrange alternative lodging. Please note that elevators, air conditioners and other modern conveniences may not be available in all locations.


Due to the traveling nature of this program, you will not have regular access to a full kitchen facility. Some dormitory or hotel locations may offer microwaves or light prep area; however, you should be prepared to go out for meals at local grocery stores, cafes, and restaurants. A few group meals and lunches are included in this program

Excursions & Activities

On-site visits and related cultural excursions are a big part of this on-the-go program. You will travel to multiple universities, at the invitation of local faculty and researchers, such as University of Queensland-Gatton, University of New England-Armidale, Tocal Agricultural Institute-Paterson, and University of Sydney-Camden. On these campuses you’ll have the opportunity to visit their schools of agriculture and facilities.

You will meet with the owners of Leppington Pastoral, a 2000-cow intensive dairy farm while discussing the intersection of urban encroachment and animal agriculture.

Finally, what is a trip to Australia without attending a local football game, visiting Steve Irwin’s Australia Zoo and Koala rehabilitation facility, or seeing a show at the Sydney Opera House? You will also be able to take a quick hike through one of Australia’s national parks!

Please note that you will be travelling during Australia’s winter months and activities such as on-farm visits may include cold weather. Please prepare by researching the weather and pacing appropriate clothing.

Get to Know Your Destination

South East Queensland

New England Region of New South Whales


Study Abroad Advisory of Student Risk

Participation in this UC Davis Study Abroad program requires travel to and extended living in a foreign location(s) abroad. UC Davis Study Abroad endeavors to reduce and mitigate risk wherever possible. However, the environments and risks associated with living in these locations are substantially different than those found during a regular course of study at UC Davis. All participants must download and review the following information prior to departure. Any questions should be directed to the Program Coordinator.

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