Organic Chemistry in Nottingham
Mark Mascal

Mark Mascal is completed his PhD in chemistry at Imperial College in the University of London, and thereafter performed postdoctoral research with a Nobel prize winner in Strasbourg, France. He started his academic career in the UK. After 10 years, he moved to the US to take up a visiting professorship at UCLA in 2000. He was appointed as an assistant professor of chemistry at UC Davis in 2003, associate professor in 2007, and full professor in 2012. He was also appointed the 2012 Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Alternative Energy Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. His research centers around the applications of synthetic organic chemistry to renewable energy and materials, conducting polymers, medicinal chemistry, and fundamental aspects of molecular structure.
A Message to Students and Parents
I have been interested in education abroad ever since I was a summer abroad student in Bonn, Germany during my undergraduate days. I did my PhD abroad and worked abroad in the UK for several years. I also have a British spouse, so my ties to the UK are strong. I developed this course to offer students a similar educational experience, particularly those interested in the sciences, for whom such offerings are often limited."