UC Davis Study Abroad, Summer Abroad Europe,  Sustainable Cities in Europe Program, Header Image, Courses Page

Summer Abroad Europe - On Site

Sustainable Cities of Northern Europe


You will stay in various types of shared accommodations: dormitories, hostels and hotels.

  • In Sweden, the group stays at a floating hotel & hostel – an anchored ship in central Stockholm. In Malmö, the group stays in a hotel. In both locations, Rrooms are shared doubles or triples with en-suite or shared bathroom.
  • In Denmark, the program is based at a centrally located hostel in Copenhagen. Rooms are dormitory style. You can expect to room with 4-6 other program participants with shared bathrooms.
  • In Germany, the program is based at a Freiburg youth hostel with shared doubles. Bathrooms are shared.
  • In Switzerland, the group stays at a centrally located hotel in Lucerne with shared doubles or triples with en-suite bathroom.

UC Davis reserves the right to change the accommodation location. Should this be necessary, we will arrange alternative lodging. Please note that elevators, air conditioners and other modern conveniences may not be available in all locations.


Continental breakfast is included at all accommodations in each location. There is typically 1-2 group meals provided in each country to allow the group to savor local culture and enjoy a relaxing meal together.

Due to the traveling nature of this program, you will not have access to full kitchen facilities. Some hostel locations may offer microwaves or a light prep area; however, you should be prepared to go out for meals at restaurants, cafes, quick-service stops, and markets. Past participants have shopped for fresh food or take-away at grocery stores and local markets, often making a picnic meal to enjoy outside.

Excursions & Activities

Excursions and activities are a crucial part of this active program. This program makes use of several modes of transportation as part of class activities, such as, walking, bicycling, and public transportation. Visiting the sustainable communities, which become your classroom, make it a unique educational opportunity. Weather conditions in northern Europe are highly variable—from quite hot and humid in southern Germany to cool and windy in Scandinavia with likelihood of some days or rain or wind during the summertime.

Tentative Itinerary (subject to change)

  • Stockholm, Sweden (8 nights)
  • Malmö, Sweden (3 nights)
  • Copenhagen, Denmark (8 nights)
  • Freiburg, Germany (8 nights) 
  • Lucerne, Switzerland (2 nights)

Get to Know Your Destination

  • Stockholm, one of the most progressive cities in the world in terms of sustainability.
  • Malmö, a city of contrasting old and modern architecture.
  • Copenhagen, one of the best cities in the world for transit, walking, cycling, and urban design.
  • Freiburg, Germany’s “eco-city” boasting two of the world’s most successful ecologically-designed neighborhoods.
  • Lucerne, a center for culture, transportation, and economics.

Study Abroad Advisory of Student Risk

Participation in this UC Davis Study Abroad program requires travel to and extended living in a foreign location(s) abroad. UC Davis Study Abroad endeavors to reduce and mitigate risk wherever possible.  However, the environments and risks associated with living in these locations are substantially different than those found during a regular course of study at UC Davis. All participants must download and review the following information prior to departure. Any questions should be directed to the Program Coordinator.

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