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Summer Abroad Cuba - Instructor

Revolutionary Cuba

Jordan Lauhon

Instructor Profile Image, UC Davis Summer Abroad Cuba


Jordan Lauhon is a historian and international education professional with over two decades of experience in Latin America and the Caribbean. He holds an MA in Latin American and Caribbean Studies from Indiana University and a PhD in history from the University of California, Davis. He teaches courses on social revolution, inter-American relations, world history, and environmental history, and leads UC Davis study abroad programs in Peru and Cuba.

A Message to Students and Parents

"I love teaching on campus, but I’m struck by the fact that many of our lecture halls feature desks and chairs that are bolted to the floor. It reminds me of why I believe study abroad can play such a pivotal role in students’ personal and intellectual growth. Study abroad, as with learning in general, is partly about moving outside your comfort zone. It’s about following your curiosity, gathering new knowledge and experiences, questioning your assumptions, and ultimately, rethinking your place in our interconnected world. Study abroad offers an unparalleled opportunity to learn “on the move.” Who knows where it might take you?"